Most prescriptions received same day ! Starting at $20.00


  • Please don’t! While the online prescription is a convenient way to get new glasses and contacts, it does not bypass an eye health exam, which currently can only be performed comprehensively when you go to see your doctor in person. Eye health exams are still important because there are over 200+ eye diseases and conditions, most of which may have no symptoms until it is too late! Early detection is critical.

    It is recommended to have an eye health exam every two years if you are less than 60 years of age, or every one year if you are 60+ or have diabetes, cataracts, or other conditions that can affect the eye, or a family history of glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other eye diseases. See this blog post for more information on what eye doctors check when you go in for an eye health exam.

  • We do have a few limitations for this online service:

    Age - we can only serve patients 18 years of age and older.

    State of residence - we are only able to help patients who are physically located in certain states. If we do not serve your state yet, please sign up for email updates to be notified when we can serve your state!

    Contact lens requirements - we are currently only able to renew contact lenses of the same brand and type (i.e., Acuvue Oasys). We can change the power of your lenses (if needed), but not the brand or type. We also cannot prescribe contact lenses if you have never worn contact lenses before or have no previous prescriptions to share. Please sign up for our newsletter below to be notified when we have updates to this service!

    Eye health concerns and last eye exam - our doctors may not be able to finalize your prescription if there are complications or symptoms such as sudden loss of vision, significant flashes and floaters, red eyes, eye infection, recent surgeries, prism correction required, last eye exam more than two years ago, etc. Prescribing glasses and contacts is always up to your doctor’s discretion. You may be referred to visit a local eye care provider for an in-person visit.

  • Yes, a licensed eye care professional will review your information.

  • Yes, you will see a licensed optometry doctor live via video conference and have an opportunity to address any questions or concerns you may have.

  • While we can provide prescriptions for most patients, it is always up to the doctor’s discretion after they have reviewed your information.

  • If you have any other questions, please email: If not, let’s get started today!