EyeQue MyReaderNumber

Get instant near and mid-distance vision measurements using your smartphone. Get over-the-counter readers or computer glasses. Requires iPhone X or newer.

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EyeQue MyReaderNumber
  • The MyReaderNumber (MRN) app provides users with the measurement of their reading (NV ADD+) and computer distance. These values (written in Diopters), can be use to purchase over the counter reading glasses, computer glasses or, in conjunction with your prescription or EGNs, can be used to order multifocal (bifocal, progressive, trifocal, etc.) glasses.

  • The ADD value given to you when you complete your EyeGlass Numbers is an ADD based on your age. It is based on a step chart that has been in use for many years. The ADD value calculated with the MyReaderNumber app is based on the measured distance and our formula to create an ADD value that is customized to your needs. It does take into account your age when making this calculation so make sure to enter your proper birth year.

  • Normally, the calculation that is used for creating computer glasses is SPH + 1/2(NV ADD+). For example, if your measurements were written like this:

    O.D.= SPH-1.00D CYL-0.50D AXIS 90 ADD +2.00D

    O.S.= SPH-1.25D CYL-0.25D AXIS 75 ADD +2.00D

    Then to convert these measurements to a pair of computer glasses, the result will look like:

    O.D.= SPH-0.00D CYL-0.50D AXIS 90

    O.S.= SPH-0.25D CYL-0.25D AXIS 75

    The difference between the example above and the MyReaderNumber app is that it will calculate the ADD required for computer glasses based on the distance you are measuring within the app. Since you will receive the computer ADD value within the app, just add that value to the SPH of your current measurements. For example, if we use the measurements above and the MRN app gives us a computer ADD of +1.25D then the computer glasses would look like this:

    O.D.= SPH +0.25D (-1.00D + 1.25D) CYL-0.50D AXIS 90

    O.S.= SPH 0.00D (-1.25D + 1.25D) CYL-0.25D AXIS 75

    If you require further assistance in calculating computer glasses, please contact our support team.

  • No, the MyReaderNumber App can be downloaded directly from the Apple App store without previously having purchased a VisionCheck. Currently, the app is not currently available on the Android platform, but work is being made to make it available at a future date.

  • You can order over the counter reading glasses from many retail stores or through online stores. Sites such as Amazon, Zenni or many other sites available. If you want to purchase computer glasses you will need a measurement of your SPH power and the computer numbers generated from the MyReaderNumber app. You will also want to order computer glasses from an optician or from a company who specializes, such as Zenni, in making glasses.

  • Yes, the measurement provided is a valid ADD number and can be used to purchase or create a pair of reading glasses.

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